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33553 Results Found


HHS announces national strategy to improve maternal mental health care

The Department of Health and Human Services May 14 announced a national strategy to address maternal mental health and substance use issues.

Obituary: Former Iowa hospital CEO Jim Tinker 

Jim Tinker, 81, former president and CEO of Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died April 21. Tinker served in this role from 1982 to 2006.

Knock Out the Noise on Artificial Intelligence

The global state of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is moving toward systemic reinvention, not just innovation. At the same time, health care finds itself in an unprecedented moment of strain. Enterprises are excited to experiment and transform, but they face serious risk of taking action without discipline or focus on measurable value. Join us as we take a deep dive on these topics with our panel of executive, clinical and administrative leaders who will talk about best practices, challenges and how we can usher in the future of health care together.

HHS to award grants for AI, behavioral health projects

The Department of Health and Human Services May 13 announced it will issue two $1 million grants for fiscal year 2024 to fund projects focusing on artificial intelligence in health care and the use of information technology in behavioral health.

Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals, 2024

There are 6,120 hospitals in the United States. The American Hospital Association conducts an annual survey of hospitals in the United States. The data here, published in 2024, are a sample from the 2022 AHA Annual Survey (FY 2022) and offer quick answers on number of hospitals, government hospitals, hospitals in each state, hospital beds, icu beds, admissions, and expenses in the U.S. You can also see how many beds specific hospitals have though the map of community hospitals in the U.S.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

4 Ways to Make Nurse Managers More Impactful

The nurse manager role remains one of the most challenging in hospitals. Now a new AONL report suggests that it may be time for executives to look more closely at how they can support these leaders to optimize their effectiveness.
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

Will AI Help Address Our Behavioral Health Crisis?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting some clinicians in the way they diagnose and provide therapy for behavioral health patients. The hope is that AI may be able to help providers improve access for the growing number of patients who need care. The applications, both home-grown in health systems and those from innovative startups, are drawing interest from researchers, payers and investors alike.

The Employee Experience at Duke Health

Extraordinary times have spurred significant growth and transformation in employee well-being programs. Learn how the Employee Experience Hub at Duke Health has increased collaboration between resource providers, and gain valuable insights and practical strategies for fostering a resilient health care workforce. (Webinar presented May 8, 2024)
AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

3 Companies Hope to Advance Health Research in a Quantum Leap

Three startups recently were named to participate in a 24-week Quantum Innovation Catalyzer Program. The companies will connect with Cleveland Clinic experts and working groups to learn and share best practices and new applications.

Helping Boards Help Rural Hospitals

The constant strain of workforce and financial issues are proving difficult to solve for rural health care providers.