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AHA podcast: Caregivers Need Care, Too 

Diane Mariani, program manager at Rush University Medical Center, discusses their Caring for Caregivers program, which shares resources and guidance to family and friends who care for older adults.

AHA blog highlights stories of motherhood shared in Beyond Birth podcast series 

The award-winning Beyond Birth podcast series helps bring hospital programs to life by telling personal stories of how they positively impact mothers and their families, writes Julia Resnick, AHA’s director of strategic initiatives.
Action Alert
Member Non-Fed

Contact your Representative Prior to June 4 House Subcommittee Hearing on 340B

The House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (O&I) June 4 will host a hearing titled, “Oversight of 340B Drug Pricing Program.” Please contact your Energy and Commerce member before the June 4 hearing and share with them the importance of the 340B program and how it helps your hospital care for the patients and communities you serve.

AHA RFI Response to CMS on Medicare Advantage Data and Oversight

Timely and accurate information on Medicare Advantage plan performance and compliance with existing CMS regulations is critical to ensuring that those enrolled in MA plans are not unfairly subjected to more restrictive rules and requirements than Traditional Medicare, which are contrary to the intent of the MA program and run afoul of federal rules.
Advocacy Alliances
Member Non-Fed

Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance

The Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance focuses on ensuring adequate payment for the higher level of care capability that hospitals provide in the outpatient setting and for post-acute care providers. It also monitors payment reduction proposals for other care sites.
Advocacy Alliances
Member Non-Fed

Rural Hospital Advocacy Alliance

Building on the AHA's extensive work on behalf of small and rural hospitals, this alliance focuses on extending key Medicare provisions that would otherwise sunset, including the low-volume hospital payment adjustment, the Medicare-Dependent Hospital Program, Section 508 reclassifications and the outpatient hold harmless. In addition, the alliance will continue to work to protect Critical Access Hospitals and other rural hospital designations.
Advocacy Alliances
Member Non-Fed

340B Advocacy Alliance

The AHA Advocacy Alliance for the 340B Program focuses primarily on promoting the value that the 340B program provides to hospitals, patients and communities, as well as preventing attempts to scale back this program. For more information, click here.

AHA and other national associations send letter to FTC requesting delayed implementation of noncompete rule

A coalition of 230 national associations, including the AHA, submitted a letter the week of May 20 to the Federal Trade Commission requesting a stay on the Sept. 4 effective date of the Non-Compete Clause Final Rule to allow for judicial review.

AHA comments on inpatient psychiatric facility proposed rule for FY 2025

The AHA commented May 28 on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposed rule for the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system for fiscal year 2025, which would update the IPF payment rate by a net 2.6% compared to FY 2024.

Beyond Birth: Exploring Stories of Motherhood and Health Care

The award-winning five-episode Beyond Birth podcast series covers some of the pressing issues facing maternal health and well-being.