
In October, the Food and Drug Administration \(FDA\) opened an investigation into human tissue recovered by Biomedical Tissue Services, Ltd. \(BTS\) of Ft. Lee, NJ. The tissue was acquired from donors who may or may not have met FDA donor eligibility requirements, and may or may not have been…
Hospitals may experience increased attention around billing policies, the uninsured, executive compensation and tax-exempt status. CBS television network's newsmagazine ")60 Minutes") will be airing a segment focused on hospital bills and the uninsured in the coming weeks.
CMS published in the Nov. 10 Federal Register the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system \(OPPS\) final rule for calendar year 2006. It includes statutory changes required by the Medicare Modernization Act \(MMA\) of 2003, as well as policy changes and revisions to the Ambulatory…