
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on May 6 published in the Federal Register the inpatient rehabilitation facility \(IRF\) prospective payment system \(PPS\) proposed rule for fiscal year \(FY\) 2010.
Signed into law on May 20, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 \(FERA\) is primarily directed at protection against mortgage fraud. However, the FERA also contains several significant expansions of the federal civil False Claims Act \(FCA\), which has not been altered in more than 20…
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus \(D-MT\) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley \(R-IA\) on May 18 released a set of policy options for financing comprehensive health care reform. The paper seeks to lay out for Senate Finance Committee \(SFC\) members a series of options to reduce Medicare…
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus \(D-MT\) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley \(R-IA\) on May 11 released a set of policy options for expanding affordable health care coverage. The paper seeks to lay out for Finance Committee members a series of options, without recommendation, on the…
On May 1, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) issued its hospitalinpatient and long-term care prospective payment system \(PPS\) proposed rule for federal fiscal year \(FY\) 2010.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus \(D-MT\) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley \(R-IA\) on April 28 released a set of policy options for transforming the health care delivery system to improve patient care and reduce health care costs.
Since President Obama on February 17 signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act \(ARRA\), which provides approximately 9 billion in funding to help hospitals and physicians adopt health information technology \(HIT\), we have received numerous inquiries from AHA members about how…
This advisory aims to provide an overview of the permanent RAC program. It describes the guidelines RACs must follow, the requirements for hospitals and the timeline for the national rollout of the program.