Patient Forward

Patient Forward: A Multidisciplinary Team Invites Patients and their Families to a Weekly Thoracic Oncology Clinic at Elkhart General Hospital

September 20, 2018

Leaders from radiology and hospital administration involved in lung cancer screening and treatment at Indiana's Elkhart General Hospital share how they partnered to create a multidisciplinary Thoracic Oncology Conference. During this webinar Cindie McPhie, vice president of operations at Elkhart General Hospital and Dr. Samir Patel, radiologist and director of the Value Management Program at Radiology Inc. share how patients and family members have a seat at the table, participating with doctors in their course of treatment. This program was initiated by the hospital's cancer committee to address a public health crisis involving the area's high percentage of smokers, as compared to the rest of Indiana. This webinar is brought to you by the American Hospital Association's Physician Alliance and the American College of Radiology.

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Cindie L. McPhie

Vice President of Operations

Elkhart General Hospital 



Samir B. Patel, MD


Director of Value Management Program

Radiology, Inc. 




Amy Kotsenas, MD

Associate Professor of Radiology 

Mayo Clinic-Rochester