This year marked the AHA’s 125th year as an advocate in the health care field for hospitals and health systems and their patients, health care professionals and communities.

It’s difficult to predict what the future of health care will hold. Consider how our field has changed in just the past five years — from navigating a global pandemic to exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in helping diagnose and treat patients.

I’m optimistic about the future and the next generation of leaders, innovators and researchers transforming the field in ways we cannot even imagine now.

Working with and alongside thousands of organizations and individuals this year, the AHA has provided leadership and resources to deliver better care and greater value; advocate for the financial stability of hospitals and health systems; address workforce challenges; and enhance health care innovation. Also part of AHA’s work is continuing to promote diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice; expand behavioral health services; and use data in innovative ways to improve care. And there are so many more ways the association works every day on your behalf to support our field.

Throughout this past year, I have enjoyed meeting so many of you at AHA conferences, meetings and other events. Together we have tackled pressing challenges in the field, seized opportunities for innovation and transformation, and shared positive stories with policymakers and the public about the incredible impact of hospitals and health systems.

It’s been an honor serving as AHA board chair in 2023. And the AHA is in excellent hands as I turn over the board chair reigns to Joanne Conroy, M.D., president and CEO of Dartmouth Health. I know Joanne will be a strong leader as the AHA works to advance health in America.

As I’ve noted before: Hospitals and health systems come in all shapes and sizes. But at the end of the day, we all are connected by our shared commitment and vision. Caring for each person who walks through our doors is our daily sacred mission. The AHA will continue to support and strengthen the field, working to ensure the health and well-being of individuals and communities — today and in the years ahead.

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