On this episode, I have an important conversation with Robert Trestman, M.D., chair for psychiatry and behavioral medicine at Carilion Clinic and a professor at the Viriginia Tech/Carilion School of Medicine in Roanoke, Va. He serves as 2021 chair of the AHA Behavioral Health Services Council.

Dr. Trestman and I reflect on the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of health care professionals, patients and families. During our conversation, he emphasizes that to improve behavioral health care, “overcoming the stigma of asking for and receiving help is the single biggest challenge we all face.” He is passionate about helping health care professionals “to realize that we are human beings … with limits … and it’s OK to ask for help.” 

We also talk about the best measures to assess the effectiveness of interventions, the necessity to better integrate physical and behavioral health services, and Dr. Trestman’s ideas to overcome funding and compensation challenges for behavioral health care. Watch the episode here. And visit AHA’s webpage for resources on behavioral health. 

Look for more of my conversations on trending topics with health care leaders from around the country, released as part of the Chair File. 

Rod Hochman, M.D.
AHA Chair

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