The House of Representatives last night voted 242-176 to approve legislation (H.R. 6311) that would allow individuals purchasing health insurance in the individual market to purchase a lower value “copper” plan, which could drive more individuals to buy inadequate coverage and increase bad debt for providers. Earlier this month, AHA expressed concern that “challenges already identified of individuals unable to afford care within their deductibles would be exacerbated in even lower value plans.” H.R. 6311 also delays the reimposition of the fee on health insurance providers until 2022 and expands limits on health savings account contributions. The House also approved legislation (H.R. 6199) that would incentivize HSAs, which are paired with high-deductible health plans, by expanding the allowable uses of HSAs; as well as legislation (H.R. 184) to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s medical device tax.

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