Between one-third and one-half of U.S. clinicians experience burnout and addressing the epidemic requires systemic changes by health care organizations, educational institutions and all levels of government, says a new report from the National Academy of Medicine. The report recommends actions to promote positive work and learning environments; reduce administrative burden and make health information technology easier to use; reduce the stigma associated with seeking help; and address gaps in the research on clinician well-being. The National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience requested the study. AHA is an inaugural sponsoring member of the collaborative, launched in 2016 to provide a platform for professional and educational organizations to advance evidence-based solutions for resilience and well-being in the face of clinician burnout, depression and suicide. In May, the AHA Physician Alliance released a playbook to help hospital and health system leaders address burnout in their organizations.

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