A bipartisan group of governors yesterday urged the administration to reverse its decision to no longer defend in federal court the Affordable Care Act’s protections for patients with pre-existing conditions. “The administration’s disappointing decision to no longer defend this provision of federal law threatens health care coverage for many in our state with preexisting conditions and adds uncertainty and higher costs for Americans who purchase their own health insurance,” said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R), Alaska Gov. Bill Walker (I), Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D), Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval (R), Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D), Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D). “…We’re asking the administration to reverse their decision and instead work with Congress and governors on bipartisan solutions to protect coverage and lower health care costs for all Americans, all while protecting those with preexisting conditions.” The Department of Justice this month told a federal court in an ACA challenge filed by 20 Republican-led states that it would no longer defend key provisions of the law, including ones that require individuals to have health insurance and protect consumers with pre-existing medical conditions. The AHA, joined by the Federation of American Hospitals, Catholic Health Association of the United States, and Association of American Medical Colleges, last week urged the court to reject the ACA challenge.

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