Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton - RWJ Hamilton's Senior Programs

These health education, fun, and fitness programs are specifically designed to provide community outreach to area residents “age 50 and better” and include:

What is it?

These health education, fun, and fitness programs are specifically designed to provide community outreach to area residents “age 50 and better” and include:

  • 50+ Club: Members can choose from a wide array of special events, lectures, health screenings, and activities in six area senior centers, including Active 50+ Walking, Bridge, and Knitters Clubs.
  • Comprehensive Health Resources Integrated with Senior Housing (CHERISH): This senior initiative program is offered through RWJ Hamilton’s clinical services at Hamilton Senior Citizen Housing.
  • Caregiver Education and Support Series for spouses with chronic illness and adults concerned about aging parents. Designed to help caregivers cope with stress and improve their psychological well-being and health status.
  • Take Control of Your Health: Evidence-based workshops for Chronic Disease Self-Management and Diabetes Self-Management.
  • Support groups to encourage emotional health and happiness in the Golden Years and issues of grief and loss in older adults.
  • Comprehensive Fall Prevention education, balance screenings, and “A Matter of Balance” to address the fear of falling.
  • Retirement discussion groups and classes on topics such as Encore Careers and Job Strategies for Older Adults.
  • Wired Seniors: Computer classes designed to introduce and reinforce computer knowledge.

RWJ Hamilton is committed to reaching out to seniors in our community with free screenings and health education. We host these programs at our Center for Health & Wellness as well as in senior centers, senior housing and adult communities. Our affiliation with the New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services allows us to offer evidence-based programs in chronic disease self-management. We have Stanford University certified Master Trainers on our Community Education staff so that we can continue to train leaders who facilitate workshops in various locations on a regular basis.

Who is it for?

The rapidly growing population of senior citizens in the greater Trenton area.

Why do they do it?

At a projected 25.0 percent rate of growth, the state’s senior citizens will exceed 1.4 million by 2016. Their share of the state’s total population will grow from 13.0 percent in 2006 to 15.6 percent in 2016. To better serve this segment of the community, RWJ Hamilton offers extensive educational, social, and exercise opportunities, as well as clinical resources. Providing older members of the community the opportunity to interact with others who share the same interests and concerns helps them feel less isolated and encourages greater social opportunities. The programs reinforce behaviors to reduce risk of disease and disability, maintain high mental and physical functioning, and promote activity and connections with others.

Contact: Shirley Roberts, MA
LPC Certified Counselor and Coordinator of Senior Programs at RWJ Hamilton
Telephone: 609-631-6819