Maui Memorial Medical Center - Malama Pu'uwai (Take Care of Your Heart)

Malama Pu'uwai is a free, comprehensive cardiovascular wellness program offered four times per year. It focuses on positive lifestyle changes that will reduce controllable risk factors of heart disease and stroke. Participants must commit to a six-week program, with meetings held once per week for 2-1/2 hours. Participants complete a lifestyle assessment and set goals to improve one or more of the areas scored.

What is it?

Malama Pu'uwai is a free, comprehensive cardiovascular wellness program offered four times per year. It focuses on positive lifestyle changes that will reduce controllable risk factors of heart disease and stroke. Participants must commit to a six-week program, with meetings held once per week for 2-1/2 hours. Participants complete a lifestyle assessment and set goals to improve one or more of the areas scored.

Who is it for?

Area residents concerned about their cardiovascular health.

Why do they do it?

The goal is to promote wellness through early detection and modification of cardiovascular disease risk factors.


Since its initiation in 2006, the program has been offered 21 times in nine locations, serving nearly 520 participants. People have reduced their blood pressure, increased their physical activity, lost weight, and reported improved quality of life.

Contact: Carol Clark
Director, Communications and Community Relations
Telephone: 808-442-5108