The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on legislation to roll back changes to the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration. H.R. 1010 and H.R. 1143 would nullify an administration rule allowing short-term, limited-duration health plans to provide coverage for up to three years rather than three months; and require the plans to disclose their risks to prospective consumers. Short-term, limited-duration plans are not required to comply with the ACA’s requirements for individual market coverage, including coverage for preexisting conditions and essential health benefits. H.R. 986 would require the administration to rescind 2018 guidance for states seeking Section 1332 waivers of certain ACA requirements; and H.R. 987 would restore funding to help consumers enroll in individual market coverage through the health insurance exchanges.
In a letter today to the subcommittee, AHA said H.R. 1010 and H.R. 1143 “would take important steps to prevent the individual market from being weakened by short-term, limited-duration products and ensure consumers are educated about the risks of such plans.” The association also thanked the committee “for considering H.R. 986 to protect patients from inadequate or unaffordable coverage,” and said the restoration of outreach and enrollment funds by H.R. 987 “would help consumers better evaluate their coverage options and get and use the right coverage that meets their needs.” 

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