Getting to 70 Percent Cardiac Rehab Participation

HRET and Million Hearts® hosted a webinar on cardiac rehabilitation (CR), a comprehensive secondary prevention program that helps patients improve key clinical measures and adopt and practice a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise. This webinar highlighted Million Hearts® 2022, a national public-private initiative co-led by the CDC and CMS to prevent a million cardiovascular events by 2022, and the work the Million Hearts® CR Collaborative is leading to raise cardiac rehab participation to at least 70 percent by 2022.

HRET and Million Hearts® hosted a webinar on cardiac rehabilitation (CR), a comprehensive secondary prevention program that helps patients improve key clinical measures and adopt and practice a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise. This webinar highlighted Million Hearts® 2022, a national public-private initiative co-led by the CDC and CMS to prevent a million cardiovascular events by 2022, and the work the Million Hearts® CR Collaborative is leading to raise cardiac rehab participation to at least 70 percent by 2022.

Each year nearly 470,000 Americans experience a second heart attack, while thousands of others undergo bypass or valve surgery, stenting, angioplasty, heart or lung transplant or are diagnosed with angina, peripheral vascular disease or heart failure. CR is strongly recommended to help these patients fully recover and enjoy healthier lives. CR participation reduces all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, re-hospitalizations and depression and improves quality of life, functional capacity and adherence to medication. Despite these health benefits, current participation rates among those eligible for cardiac rehab in the U.S is only 20-30 percent.

During the webinar, representatives from Million Hearts® CR Collaborative shared evidence-based interventions and innovations in care delivery. Experts shared steps hospitals and other key stakeholders can take to increase cardiac rehab referrals, enrollment and participation.


  • Janet Wright, Executive Director, Million Hearts®
  • Steven Keteyian, Director, Preventive Cardiology Unit, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital
  • Kim Newlin, President Elect, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
  • Quinn Pack, Medical Director, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Baystate Medical Center
  • Moderator: Haley Stolp, Public Health Analyst (IHRC Inc.), Million Hearts®, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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