Taking the Reduction of Restrictive Measures below the National Average

Senior leadership at Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System assembled an improvement team to use a Six Sigma approach to improve performance systematically, while reducing restrictive measures. The project highlights the systematic and innovative approach that the team took to push below the national average in restrictive measures. The organization has realigned its structure for cultural change by altering work processes and evaluating communication strategies for effectiveness. The hardwiring strategy 'service excellence' is used to increase patient safety and promote high-quality outcomes. The hospital uses its six core values as a communication strategy, which is embedded in the cultural fabric of the organization. The core values are reinforced through employee engagement. Data are analyzed to identify patterns and trends. Pareto charts are used to show the frequency and impact of restrictive measures and to demonstrate where process improvement efforts should be focused.

Senior leadership at Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System assembled an improvement team to use a Six Sigma approach to improve performance systematically, while reducing restrictive measures. The project highlights the systematic and innovative approach that the team took to push below the national average in restrictive measures. The organization has realigned its structure for cultural change by altering work processes and evaluating communication strategies for effectiveness. The hardwiring strategy 'service excellence' is used to increase patient safety and promote high-quality outcomes. The hospital uses its six core values as a communication strategy, which is embedded in the cultural fabric of the organization. The core values are reinforced through employee engagement. Data are analyzed to identify patterns and trends. Pareto charts are used to show the frequency and impact of restrictive measures and to demonstrate where process improvement efforts should be focused.

This case study is part of the Illinois Health and Hospital Association's annual Quality Excellence Achievement Awards. Each year, IHA recognizes and celebrates the achievements of Illinois hospitals and health systems in continually improving and transforming health care in the state. These organizations are improving health by striving to achieve the Triple Aim—improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction), improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of health care—and the Institute of Medicine's six aims for improvement—safe, effective, patient centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. To learn more, visit https://www.ihaqualityawards.org/javascript-ui/IHAQualityAward/