

The proposed mergers of health insurance giants Aetna and Humana and Anthem and Cigna are a bad deal for consumers,
An AHASTAT blog post today highlights resources available to help hospitals
Hospital Corporation of America is among six employers to receive Hiring Our Heroes Awards for leadership in hiring and retaining veterans and military spouses, the U.S.
Join AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 4 p.m.
The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust affiliate and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today
Delaying delivery of otherwise healthy infants until at least the 39th week of pregnancy does not appear to increase stillbirths, according to a new
The Institute for Diversity in Health Management and Health Research & Educational Trust encourage all hospitals to complete a survey about their efforts to address health care disparities and
The Association of American Medical Colleges yesterday presented a Special Recognition Award to Richard Umbdenstock, AHA past president and CEO, for his exceptional leadership of the AHA and close
Effective Jan.
Continued and growing delays in review of Medicare claims appeals at the Administrative Law Judge level call for the court to promptly order the Secretary of Health and Human Services to abide by t
The World Health Organization on Saturday declared Sierra Leone free of Ebola virus transmission.
Join AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 4 p.m.
The AHA today named Ashley Thompson as its senior vice president for public policy analysis and development.
The AHA today urged the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to provide greater detail about the characteristics and metrics used to assess the standards identified
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today reported on its ongoing development of a post-acute payment system prototype, the first stage in a multi-step process to replace the current prospecti
Twenty communities will compete to sign up more of their eligible uninsured residents for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplaces this open enrollment period, the White House
An estimated 28.5 million U.S.
Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.36% in October to a seasonally adjusted 4,963,200 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee last night voted 18-12 to approve a
The AHA today voiced support for the Department of Health and Human Services’ proposed rule on nondiscrimination for health programs and activities, but urged the agency to clarify that diffe