

The departments of Health and Human Services and the Treasury have approved Section 1332 waivers for Wisconsin and Maine to implement five-year reinsurance programs for their individual health insurance markets beginning in 2019.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today extended for another six months its moratoria on enrollment of new Medicare home health agencies in Florida, Illinois, Michigan and Texas, and on new Part B non-emergency ground ambulance suppliers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will host an Aug. 22-23 workshop in Washington, D.C., on medical and public health preparedness for a nuclear incident.
by Nancy Agee
“Be better tomorrow than we are today” is the goal of Northwell Health, a large system serving a diverse patient population in New York City and the surrounding suburbs of Long Island and Westchester County.
Read on for coverage of keynote speakers, award winners, educational sessions and video footage of the conference.
AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services not to re-implement a home health demonstration as proposed.
Attorneys general in 11 states and the District of Columbia yesterday filed a lawsuit challenging a Department of Labor final rule that changes the definition of “employer” under federal law.
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued an update for health care providers treating patients at risk for sudden cardiac arrest using a Zoll LifeVest 4000 wearable cardioverter defibrillator.
In a blog post today, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels takes issue with a recent Axios article comparing hospital prices to drug prices.
Navicent Health of Macon, GA, today received the 2018 AHA Equity of Care Award.
Three programs that expand the reach of palliative and end-of-life care today received 2018 Circle of Life Awards.
The AHA today announced that Parkview Health of Fort Wayne, IN; University of Pennsylvania Health System of Philadelphia; and West Tennessee Healthcare of Jackson, TN are the winners of AHA’s inaugural Innovation Challenge.
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on the Merit-based Incentive Payment System, part of the Quality Payment Program for clinicians mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.
The House of Representatives last night voted 242-176 to approve legislation (H.R. 6311) that would allow individuals purchasing health insurance in the individual market to purchase a lower value “copper” plan, which could drive more individuals to buy inadequate coverage and increase bad debt for providers.
A growing number of hospitals are using health information technology to improve health care quality and support new models of care, according to TrendWatch reports released today by the AHA.
The AHA Board of Trustees has selected as it chair-elect designate Melinda Estes, M.D., president and CEO of Saint Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, MO.
Hospitals are redesigning their delivery systems, improving quality and outcomes, embracing new reimbursement models, and leveraging technology to make care more affordable, according to an AHA advertorial published today in the Wall Street Journal.
Read on for coverage of AHA's chair-elect designate, keynote sessions, awards and sights and sounds from the conference.
The AHA today presented two federal health care leaders with awards for outstanding service to the health care field. Capt. James Hancock, M.D., commanding officer of Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, received the Award for Excellence, while Lt. Col. Johnathan Compton, M.D., deputy director of medical services at the Air Force Medical Operations Agency in San Antonio, received the Special Achievement Award.
The AHA today presented its 2018 Board of Trustees Award to author and futurist Ian Morrison at the AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego. The award recognizes individuals or groups who have made substantial and noteworthy contributions to the work of the AHA.