

Beginning in March, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will implement a streamlined survey and certification process for psychiatric hospitals, the agency announced today.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated its discharge planning guidance for clinicians treating patients hospitalized with suspected vaping-associated lung injury.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend early treatment with antiviral medications for hospitalized patients and high-risk outpatients with flu, including children under 2 years old, the agency said Friday in an advisory.
The Department of Labor yesterday released a final rule updating and clarifying how it interprets joint employer status under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which aims to promote certainty for employers and employees, reduce litigation and encourage innovation in the economy.
by Melinda L. Estes, M.D.
Health care professionals are driven by heart. They are energized by a challenge to improve the lives of others. And they are dedicated to always doing what’s best for our patients. This mission has fueled me throughout my career, and it’s the reason I’m looking forward to working with all of you during my year as chair of the AHA Board of Trustees. 
The Health Resources and Services Administration should increase its oversight of private nonprofit hospitals that participate in the 340B drug savings program to ensure they meet eligibility requirements, the Government Accountability Office said in a report released today.
Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly has reached agreement with Senate Republicans on a bipartisan proposal to expand Medicaid eligibility to low-income uninsured adults by 2021.
A program created by the Camden (N.J.) Coalition of Healthcare Providers to coordinate outpatient care and social services for patients with complex medical and social needs after discharge from the hospital does not significantly reduce readmission rates, according to a randomized, controlled trial reported this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.
A study on hospital mergers and quality described in a recent article in The Wall Street Journal uses data that is not sufficiently up to date and therefore of minimal value for assessing the benefits of hospital mergers.
Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.17% in December to a seasonally adjusted 5,297,100 people.
Brian Donley, M.D., CEO of Cleveland Clinic London, will chair AHA's Health Care Systems Council in 2020, and Penny Wheeler, M.D., president and CEO of Allina Health, Minneapolis, will serve as chair-elect.
by Rick Pollack
Election Day is fewer than 10 months away so get ready, get connected and get involved.
A federal appeals court yesterday denied the administration’s request to reverse a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking a Department of Homeland Security rule that would limit the ability of legal immigrants to adjust or extend their immigration status or gain full citizenship based on their prospective receipt of public benefits.
Health care providers should notify their state and local health departments and infection control personnel immediately if patients with unexplained severe respiratory illness developed symptoms within two weeks of returning from Wuhan City, China, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised yesterday.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar yesterday declared a public health emergency for Puerto Rico.
Almost 8.3 million people selected a 2020 health plan through during open enrollment, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said in an update yesterday.
A new AHA TrendWatch report provides an overview of the current national health care workforce and examples of hospitals and health systems’ responses to trend shifts.
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee today held a hearing on a number of health care bills, including those that would reauthorize the AHA-supported Healthy Start program and continue Medicaid coverage for non-emergency medical transportation.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has delayed 2020 private payer data reporting for the Clinical Diagnostic Test Payment System until 2021 for tests that are not advanced diagnostic laboratory tests, as required by recent legislation extending funding for federal programs through fiscal year 2020.
Ninety-eight percent of eligible clinicians and 97% of rural practices who participated in the 2018 Quality Payment Program through the Merit-based Incentive Payment System track will receive a positive payment adjustment in 2020.