

The Drug Enforcement Administration yesterday published a final rule implementing a 2016 law allowing nurse practitioners and physician assistants who meet certain requirements to prescribe and dispense drugs for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
The Senate voted 55-43 this afternoon to approve the president’s nomination of Alex Azar to serve as Health and Human Services secretary.
The average cost of administering or adjudicating a medical liability claim was $54,165 in 2015, 65% more than in 2006, according to a series of trend reports released today by the American Medical Association.
Oregon voters last night approved a referendum backing the state legislature’s decision to increase the provider tax on certain larger and urban hospitals by 0.7% and institute a 1.5% tax on certain health plans to help preserve the state’s expansion of Medicaid to some 350,000 low-income residents under the Affordable Care Act.
The AHA's Hospitals Against Violence initiative tomorrow will host the second in a series of webinars on human trafficking led by Holly Austin Gibbs from Dignity Health.
The president last night signed a continuing resolution funding the federal government through Feb. 8 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years after the House and Senate approved the measure.
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee today held its second hearing on reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, currently set to expire Oct. 1.
More and better research is needed to answer the question of whether e-cigarettes have an overall positive or negative impact on public health, according to a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT, today received the 2017 Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service for its exceptional efforts to build programs that promote community engagement, job growth and access to quality health care.
The Senate today voted to proceed to a vote on a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Feb. 8 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years.
The opioid crisis remains a national public health emergency, Acting Health and Human Services Secretary Eric Hargan
The flu hospitalization rate rose to 31.5 per 100,000 people in second week of January from 22.7 the prior week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Annual out-of-pocket medical expenses fell by an average 11.9% for adults under age 65 during 2014 and 2015, while the average annual premium increased 12.1%, according to a
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced it will reschedule its Jan.
The National Collaborative for Improving the Clinical Learning Environment recently released a summary from its October symposium on how to enhance interprofessional learning and practice in hospitals and other clinical learning environments.
The Medicare program would continue largely without disruption during a short-term lapse in appropriations if Congress fails to continue funding the federal government before the current funding expires tonight.
The House of Representatives voted 230-197 last night to approve a continuing resolution that would fund the federal government through Feb. 16 and the Children’s Health Insurance Program for six years.
Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR) and 28 other Senate Democrats yesterday urged Acting Health and Human Services Secretary Eric Hargan to reject Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waivers that would “obstruct access to health care in violation of statutory limits and longstanding congressional intent.”
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued a plan and related guidance outlining how it will implement certain aspects of the Drug Quality and Security Act relevant to drug compounding outsourcing facilities and compounding pharmacies.
The app helps first responders recognize signs and symptoms associated with eight potential bioterrorism agents, and more.