

The National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative today proposed four policy priorities for the administration and health care leaders to achieve bette
Inpatient rehabilitation facilities and long-term care hospitals can review their quality data through March 30 before it is reported on the
A new AHA television ad urges Congress to protect health coverage for the most vu
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today delayed the applicable date f
An estimated 69 infants were born with perinatal HIV infection in 2013, down from 216 in 2002, according to a
The American Association of Poison Centers has released an online poison help triage tool for the public.
At a briefing today at the National Press Club, hospital leaders urged Congress to protect health coverage for the most vulnerable as it considers legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable C
The Health Resources and Services Administration today delayed to May 22 the effecti
A record 30,478 medical school seniors and graduates were matched to U.S.
The nation faces a shortage of between 40,800 and 104,900 physicians by 2030, according to
The House Budget Committee voted 19-17 this morning to advance the American Health Care Act, legislation to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act.
President Trump today submitted to Congress his proposed budget blueprint for fiscal year 2018, which provides top-line numb
The AHA, America’s Essential Hospitals, Federation of American Hospitals, and Association of American Medical Colleges today urged the National Quality Forum to extend the trial period for it
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission yesterday released its March report to Cong
Health care stakeholders are invited to participate in one of four Department of Homeland Security webinar sessions March 27-30 on t
President Trump this week nominated t
The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission today released its March report to Co