

Hospitals continue to appeal Recovery Audit Contractor claim denials, according to the latest report from the AHA's quarterly
Ambulatory surgical centers may choose through Nov.
Eligible professionals and group practices participating in the Physician Quality Reporting System who believe they were incorrectly assessed a negative payment adjustment for 2016 may ask CMS to r
The Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network, a forum initiated by Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell in
The AHA today announced several promotions in its Washington, DC office.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is accepting comments through Sept. 14 on its proposed star rating system for overall hospital-level quality.
Recently announced health insurance company acquisitions should be closely scrutinized, because they “would leave consumers with fewer – and no doubt – more expensive options for
The House of Representatives last night approved by voice vote the AHA-supported Protecting Our Infants
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights yesterday published a proposed rul
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last week announced the Medicare Advantage Valued-Based
A new AHA infographic highlights how hospitals are working together and with physicians and other community partners t
The AHA’s Workforce Center yesterday participated in a Department of Labor summit for leaders in the ApprenticeshipUSA initiative, which aims to double the number of registered apprenticeship
Join AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack tomorrow at 4 p.m. ET for the next members-only Town Hall webcast.
Passage of the Protecting Access to Rural Therapy Services Act, or PARTS Act, H.R. 1611/S. 257, the Critical Access Hospital Relief Act, H.R. 169/S.
Passage of the Protecting Access to Rural Therapy Services Act, or PARTS Act, H.R. 1611/S. 257, the Critical Access Hospital Relief Act, H.R. 169/S.
The Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment model could help further hospital efforts to transform care delivery through improved care coordination and financial accountability, the AHA to
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposal to pay explicitly for advanced care planning services under the physician fee schedule will help ensure that Medicare beneficiaries
The AHA Friday urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to withdraw a proposed 3.41% coding cut in its proposed rule for the home health prospective payment system in calendar year 20