

About 4% of middle school students and 13% of high school students reported using electronic cigarettes in the past month when surveyed in 2014, about triple the rate for both groups in 2013, accor
When it comes to bundling payments for post-acute care, now is the time for testing and learning rather than adoption and implementation, AHA told the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommitte
AHA yesterday urged the Senate Finance Committee to retain certain key tax code provisions related to 501(c)(3) hospitals as it develops recommendations for reforming the nation’s tax code.
President Obama Thursday signed into law the “Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act,” H.R.
Claims about hospital merger effects often rely on outdated data that do not reflect today’s dynamic market conditions, according to a new
Medicare spending per beneficiary grew just 0.2% in 2013, according to a new report&nb
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today added star ratin
About 76% of non-federal acute-care hospitals reported having an electronic health record system in 2014, according to a
The AHA has extended to April 24 the deadline for all hospitals to submit data to the quarterly RACTrac survey.
When it comes to bundling payments for post-acute care, the AHA Thursday told Congress that now is the time for learning through testing new small-scale payment and delivery models, rather than dra
The U.S. Senate last night voted 92-8 on final passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (H.R.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services late today released a proposed rule&nbsp
Eligible individuals and entities, including health care providers, may apply until June 15 for a portion of $201 million in grants to support navigators in federally-facilitated and state partners
An Institute of Medicine committee today recommended a framework and strategies for building healthier post-dis
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is enrolling volunteers in a Sierra Leone clinical trial that will assess the safety and efficacy of a candidate Ebola vaccine in about 6,000 health a
At its annual meeting in Phoenix, the American Organization of Nurse Executives tomorrow will present its 2015
Overall hospital prices increased 0.1% in March and were 0.4% higher than a year ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday.
From a young age, pets play a major role in many of our lives. Studies show people have a special bond with their pets, often considering them a best friend or family member.