National Hospital Week 2020 may be coming to a close tomorrow, but our efforts to support America’s health care heroes and their hospitals and health systems are still going strong.

Today, we released a new TV ad letting the public know — even as we continue to fight COVID-19 — hospitals and health systems are still here to care for them in every way, every day. As many Americans have delayed care during this public health crisis, the ad emphasizes to the public that hospitals and health systems are ready and able to serve their communities, just as we always have.

The ad also highlights the invaluable work our health care heroes are doing on the front lines to battle COVID-19 and save lives, and it is running nationally during this weekend’s Sunday morning political shows. It will continue airing on cable for several weeks and will be a fixture on social channels as well.

It’s critically important that policymakers see our message as we work to make sure hospitals and health systems have the tools and resources they need to protect their teams and their communities. Our policy priorities for the next COVID-19 relief package include vital support for hospitals and health systems, increased support for health care heroes, expanded insurance coverage and more. This week, House Democrats kicked off discussions by releasing their latest relief bill, and it includes a number of these provisions. We’ll continue discussions with the House, Senate and Administration to make sure our field’s priorities are included in the next package that comes together. 

Supporting our legislative priorities for the next package is the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care — of which the AHA is a founding member — and its 2.2 million grassroots members, who understand that making sure America’s hospitals and health systems are fully equipped and staffed is directly tied to the health of our communities and our country. We’re grateful for their support.

This pandemic is — without a doubt — the greatest challenge our field and our caregivers have ever faced. Yet we’ve risen to meet this challenge, and Americans everywhere are inspired by the dedication and selflessness on display in hospitals and health systems across the country.

We still have a long way to go but we have the best team on the front lines working to save lives, perform miracles and keep their communities healthy.

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