The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening our country and straining many hospitals and health systems — and their team members — like never before. We have an awesome responsibility in this national crisis … and our field is stepping up, just as we always do.

When our hospital and health systems are equipped with the right tools and resources, we can do our very best to protect lives and keep people healthy. The same holds true for responding to this national emergency.

Everyone at the AHA knows that you have been working extremely hard in serving your patients and communities, and your commitment and dedication in responding to this unprecedented pandemic are an inspiration to our team as we work to support you.

Our top concern is making sure you have the resources and tools you need to respond and keep health care workers safe. We’re working to cut through red tape so you have the flexibility to take quick and decisive action. We’re securing key resources to help you respond. We’re providing the latest information and guidance on a daily basis … including through our regular all-AHA member calls. We’re working to troubleshoot problems you encounter. We’re working to help you access the much-needed personal protective equipment … including through our just-announced 100 Million Masks Challenge. And, we’re providing ways for you to connect with each other and learn from each other.

While this is important, the most important work is what you do in your hospital or health system every single day. Today, as the virus is spreading across the country and communities are locking down, people are scared … and they’re counting on their hospital or health system to be there for them.

Our field has a special place in society. As this emergency continues, our health care heroes are saving lives, performing miracles and keeping people healthy … and these heroic acts underscore the fact that America’s hospitals and health systems are the ultimate safety net in society.

This is our time to rise and meet the need … just as we always do. This is our time to come together as a country … just as we did after September 11th. This is our time to apply good old American ingenuity and innovation to meeting this challenge … just as our parents and grandparents — who were part of the “Greatest Generation” — rose to meet enormous challenges in the past. This truly is our defining moment.

Thank you for all you are doing to respond to this crisis and keep your teams safe … and thank you to all of the nurses, doctors and health care workers on the front lines in this battle.

Our communities and our country are counting on us. Because of you — and what you do — we will ultimately win this battle.


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