The Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response Friday deployed a 14-member National Disaster Medical System team to the University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital to help support staff caring for a surge in pediatric respiratory illnesses, such as flu and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

“The arrival of the NDMS team couldn’t come at a better time,” said Anna Duran, M.D, associate chief medical officer of the UNM Children’s Hospital. “Our staff have been working very hard to provide the highest level of care to the sickest children in our state. But our staff are tired, many of them missed the holidays with their families, and they desperately need this help.”

On Dec. 2, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said states and health care providers may use regulatory flexibilities available during the COVID-19 public health emergency as well as HHS resources such as NDMS teams to help respond to non-COVID-19 illnesses straining hospital and health care systems.

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