Robert Trestman, M.D., chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Carillion Clinic in Roanoke, Va., will chair AHA’s Behavioral Health Services Committee in 2021. Arpan Waghray, M.D., executive medical director of behavioral medicine at Swedish Health Services and chief medical officer for WellBeing Trust in Sammanish, Wash., will serve as chair-elect. The committee is the voice of behavioral health providers and patients for AHA-member hospitals and health systems, and helps shape the AHA's behavioral health advocacy, policy and resource development, with a particular focus on strategic opportunities.

Joining the committee in 2021 are: John Boyd, CEO of system mental health services, Sutter Health, Sacramento, Calif.; Kathleen Brady, M.D., addiction psychiatrist and vice president for research, MUSC Health, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston; Mark Chastang, CEO, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C.; Mary Marran, president and chief operating officer, Butler Hospital, and interim president and COO, The Providence (R.I.) Center; Manish Sapra, M.D., executive director, behavioral health service line, Northwell Health, Glen Oaks, N.Y.; Alpa Shah, M.D., director, Perinatal Mental Health Clinic,medical director of behavioral health, Marshfield (Wisc.) Clinic Health System; and Jair Soares, M.D., chairman, department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, UT Houston Medical School, and executive director, UT Harris County Psychiatric Center, Houston.

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