A bipartisan group of representatives and senators today released details on a $908 billion COVID-19 relief bill that they are pushing.  

The package would include $35 billion in additional funding for the Provider Relief Fund, according to a summary of the bill. The package also would fix PRF reporting guidelines. Specifically, it appears that the package would, as urged by the AHA, require the Department of Health and Human Services to revert back to its June reporting requirement guidance insofar as it allowed providers to use any reasonable method to calculate lost revenue.

In addition, the package would allow health systems to move targeted PRF distributions within their system and direct HHS to consider appropriate distribution of PRF, including for health providers who were under-represented in previous allocations or are at risk of imminent closure.

The group’s proposal does not provide details on state and local aid or liability protections — two of the main sticking points as part of COVID-19 relief negotiations.

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