The Department of Health and Human Services tonight released its final rules with changes to the Stark Law and Anti-kickback statute. AHA members will receive a Special Bulletin highlighting key changes.

In a statement responding to the final rules, AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels said, “The actions taken today by the Department of Health and Human Services will significantly benefit patients by allowing their health care providers to work together to improve their care. The AHA greatly appreciates the leadership of Deputy Secretary Hargan in finalizing this rule and listening to the concerns of hospitals and health systems. The AHA has long called for the ability to coordinate care among providers to provide comprehensive patient care.
“Outdated regulations created unnecessary roadblocks to the kind of collaboration and coordination that enables caregivers to meet all of their patients’ health care needs, whether in the hospital, the doctor’s office or their own homes. The changes finalized should help to replace numerous waivers of these same regulations needed to experiment with collaborative and innovative care and remove ‘impediments to robust, innovative programs’ noted in a 2016 report from the Department to Congress. Once again the AHA commends HHS for today’s important announcement.”

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