The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last week added to the Physician Compare website certain 2017 (year one) Quality Payment Program performance data submitted under the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and Alternative Payment Models. Added to profile pages for MIPS-eligible clinicians and groups, the information includes 12 MIPS quality measures reported by groups and displayed as measure-level star ratings; eight Consumer Assessment for Healthcare Provider and Systems for MIPS summary survey measures; six Qualified Clinical Data Registry quality measures reported by groups; and 11 QCDR quality measures reported by individual clinicians. Eligible clinicians may participate in the QPP through MIPS or Advanced APMs. Clinicians participating in MIPS will receive a payment adjustment in 2019 based on their 2017 performance. Clinicians participating in an Advanced APM can qualify for a 5% incentive payment in 2019 based on their 2017 performance and for exclusion from the MIPS reporting requirements and payment adjustment. In 2018, the number of advanced APM qualifying participants nearly doubled to 183,306, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced in a related blog post. For more on 2018 QPP participation and performance, see the CMS infographic.

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