Commenting today on the proposed Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2018, AHA said it appreciates the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ proposals to improve the stability of the Health Insurance Marketplaces and recommends further actions. Specifically, AHA recommends that CMS fully fund the risk corridor program; extend the reinsurance program through at least 2018; increase access to coverage through third-party payment of premiums for individuals not eligible for Medicare or Medicaid coverage; enhance outreach and enrollment strategies; support the development of state-level solutions; and support state rate evaluations, among other actions. “The stability of the public marketplaces is critically important to consumers, health plans and providers alike,” wrote AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels. “Both plans and their network providers depend on functioning insurance markets to ensure consumer access to affordable coverage. At its core, marketplace stability is predicated on broad consumer enrollment. And in order for the marketplaces to be attractive to consumers, they must offer affordable coverage and choices that meet consumer needs.” The AHA also provided comments on other provisions of the proposed Notice, including those related to network adequacy, surprise bills, and essential community providers.

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