The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response today announced partnerships with two companies to develop new antibiotics and diagnostic tests in response to the increasing number of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. Under the agreements, The Medicines Company will receive at least $32 million over four years to continue developing new antibiotics, while Hoffmann-LaRoche will receive at least $35 million over two years to develop diagnostic tests to detect specific infections as well as new antibiotics. ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority will share in the cost of developing the products and have joint oversight with the companies. “Combatting the rise of antimicrobial- resistant infections requires innovation, nimbleness and collaboration – all of which are components of these new agreements,” said Richard Hatchett, BARDA acting director. “These partnerships allow BARDA and its partners to respond rapidly to new discoveries, technical developments and strategic priorities by quickly refocusing our portfolios.”

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