The average annual premium for employer-sponsored family health coverage rose 3% this year to $18,142, including employer and worker contributions, according to the latest annual survey of employer-sponsored health insurance by the Kaiser Family Foundation and AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust. Since 2011, average family premiums have increased a cumulative 20%, down from 31% over the previous five years. The average annual premium for single coverage is $6,435 in 2016, essentially unchanged from 2015. About eight in 10 covered workers have a general annual deductible for single coverage, averaging $1,478 this year. That’s 49% more than in 2011, a trend that in part reflects covered workers moving into high-deductible plans, such as Health Savings Accounts. A KFF interactive graphic allows users to look at changes in employer-sponsored premiums and worker contributions at different types of firms over time. “The importance of this study is its ability to inform decision makers from all sectors as new or emerging strategies for health care coverage are being constructed,” said Ken Anderson, D.O., HRET’s chief operating officer. “This is especially helpful for consumers as they understand health plan structures and what it means for them.”

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