McDonough“Hospitals put politics and labels aside and get things done for the people in [their] communities,” White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough today told AHA members at the association’s annual meeting. He commended the field for its commitment to expanding coverage, improving the quality of care and reducing costs, which he said has translated to “real numbers, real lives and a real impact.” He laid out six major challenges facing hospitals and the nation: accelerating the pace of health care delivery system reform; reducing prescription opioid abuse; ending disparities in care; reining in rising prescription drug costs; combating the Zika virus and dealing with cybersecurity. On delivery system reform, McDonough said, “We know it can be done because we’ve watched you do it. Many of you are leading the effort.” He lauded the AHA for its “unbelievably good leadership in the fight for health equity,” referring to the #123forEquity Pledge. On cybersecurity, McDonough said, “As maddening and alarming as these attacks are, we are fully committed to be your partner in this fight.” 

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