AHA to CMS: Extend Comment Deadline for Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule

The AHA today urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to extend for 60 days – until March 17 – the comment period for its Medicaid fiscal accountability proposed rule.  

“The AHA appreciates CMS’s goal of strengthening the fiscal oversight and integrity of the Medicaid program, as stated in the proposed rule,” AHA said. “However, given the scope and complexity of the proposed changes, we are concerned that the rule’s comment period does not give state governments and stakeholders sufficient time to fully assess the rule’s impact. Of particular concern is the potential impact these proposed changes could have on current and future state budgets. Many state legislatures will not be convening until mid-January, which leaves no time to consider or quantify the implications of these proposed changes on state Medicaid financing. Our own member hospitals are very concerned with the rippling effect this proposed rule could have for Medicaid beneficiary access to care. Extending the comment period will allow state policymakers and stakeholders more time to provide the agency with meaningful feedback.”