Double Impact Part 2: Flu Season and COVID-19

Hospitals prepare for what may be a brutal flu season amid another COVID-19 surge.

Last year was one of the mildest flu seasons on record with mask mandates and restrictions in place. Yet, as people gather once again at work, school and play and COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy exists, experts say the convergence of the delta variant and the flu could be brutal this year, putting even more stress on the country’s health care system.

Read stories on what people need to know this time around and how hospitals and health systems are responding.

Disclaimer - References and links to organizations outside the AHA are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily constitute endorsements.

Flurona - COVID-19 and the Flu infection at the same time

People nationwide are testing positive for both the flu and COVID-19.

Bug with mask on overlaying - Don’t Bug Me

Mixing facts and fun, Hillcrest Medical Center and the Tulsa Health Department are helping kids learn about preventing spread of the flu and COVID-19.

UI Health - Janet Lin, M.D.

The hospital offers guidance and access for the communities it serves, plus customized programming for at-risk patients.

Unity Health video - Similarities: Both are spread by respiratory droplets from the nose/mouth while coughing, sneezing or talking

UnityPoint Health prepares for a busy flu season and offers important resources for fighting back.

Annual Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinic

The drive-thru flu vaccine clinics have become a local tradition for 15 years and counting.

Drive-Thru Flu Shots Available

Getting the COVID-19 and flu vaccines is safe and effective and may ease strain on hospital staff.

Experts break down what to expect, misconceptions and protective measures to take.

Its more important than ever to get your flu shot

Harrington Hospital Warns You Can Get COVID-19 and the Flu at the Same Time

Medical personnel administering a shot

CHOP’s online flu season resource center offers preventive measures, a look back at the history of the flu vaccine, “Just the Vax” trivia game and a fast facts on-the-go app.

As public health officials monitor flu activity in the Southern Hemisphere, health care leaders are urging people to take precautions.

Find out what people need to know about the coming flu season amid the ongoing pandemic.

As many states continue to experience COVID-19 surges, the additional burden of caring for people with flu could be disastrous.

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