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Case Study How Jefferson Health Reduced ED Utilization by 34% with Digital Behavioral Health Integration

Jefferson Health partnered with NeuroFlow to integrate behavioral health (BH) into their primary care and ob-gyn clinics, scaling the delivery of remote screening and creating evidence-based care pathways for BH support. NeuroFlow’s platform flags rising-risk patients and connects them to acuity-specific resources in a timely way, enabling Jefferson to reduce emergency department utilization by 34% after NeuroFlow’s deployment.

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NeuroFlow is a technology and analytics company that helps risk-bearing healthcare organizations scale value-based care. Using real-time data analytics embedded into workflows and EHR systems, NeuroFlow identifies, and risk stratifies BH needs that often go under-addressed and makes that data actionable with clinical decision and coordination support services.

To learn more about NeuroFlow contact Will Crowley.


About Concord Health Partners

Concord Health Partners is a health care focused investment firm that invests in growth-stage companies with innovative technologies and solutions that advance health care through operational efficiencies, improved patient outcomes and expanded access to care. Key areas of focus include health care technology, tech-enabled services and health care services.

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