INTEGRIS Health - INTEGRIS Stroke CAMP (Continuing Along My Path)

This free event included informational presentations from a team of rehabilitation and health professionals including physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and dietitians, and an inspirational talk from stroke survivor Megan Timothy, who bicycled solo across the country. Electrical stimulation demonstrations were held, along with blood pressure (BP) and balance screenings, and discussions about healthy eating.

What is it?

This free event included informational presentations from a team of rehabilitation and health professionals including physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists and dietitians, and an inspirational talk from stroke survivor Megan Timothy, who bicycled solo across the country. Electrical stimulation demonstrations were held, along with blood pressure (BP) and balance screenings, and discussions about healthy eating.

Who is it for?

Stroke survivors and caregivers

Why do they do it?

Eighty percent of strokes can be prevented. The best way to lower risk for stroke is to control high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and high cholesterol. Recognizing stroke symptoms and getting emergency medical attention can save a life and limit disabilities.


Only 33 people attended the Stroke CAMP, so a targeted message will be used to reach more people. Local BP CAMPS will be held instead, offering BP measurement training and providing automatic BP monitors, in addition to heightening stroke awareness.

Contact: Mary Pinzon, R.N., C.P.E., M.Ed.
INTEGRIS Stroke Education Nurse
Telephone: 405-644-6867