Salem Health - Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP)

A partnership among three community hospitals, the public health department, and numerous social service and governmental agencies, the Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) project uses the 2011community needs assessment dashboard as a common platform for identifying health needs and tracking outcomes. CHIP places the hospitals at the center of community collaboration and integrated action.

What is it?

A partnership among three community hospitals, the public health department, and numerous social service and governmental agencies, the Community Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) project uses the 2011community needs assessment dashboard as a common platform for identifying health needs and tracking outcomes. CHIP places the hospitals at the center of community collaboration and integrated action.

Who is it for?

Marion County residents.

Why do they do it?

What started as discussion between a single hospital and county health department leadership to complete a community needs assessment resulted in the development of a web-based countywide assessment tool that is serving as a catalyst for community health transformation.


Salem, Silverton, and Santiam hospitals use the needs assessment dashboard to identify needs, develop strategies and monitor results. Dashboard data is showing improvement in two of the three targeted areas (teen pregnancy rates and mothers who received early prenatal care). The three hospitals are also working collectively to serve vulnerable populations.

Contact: Sharon Heuer
Director, Community Benefit Integration, Salem Health
Telephone: 503-814-1580