Saint Anthony Hospital - Developmental Support Project

The Developmental Support Project (DSP) promotes improved developmental care and outcomes for children seen by Saint Anthony Hospital-affiliated physicians. DSP provides: (1) free training and technical assistance on best practices to pediatricians and family practice physicians to improve their identification of developmental delays and behavioral concerns; and (2) free direct support to physicians’ young patients and their families related to developmental concerns to increase linkages to early intervention (EI) resources and education programs.

What is it?

The Developmental Support Project (DSP) promotes improved developmental care and outcomes for children seen by Saint Anthony Hospital-affiliated physicians. DSP provides: (1) free training and technical assistance on best practices to pediatricians and family practice physicians to improve their identification of developmental delays and behavioral concerns; and (2) free direct support to physicians’ young patients and their families related to developmental concerns to increase linkages to early intervention (EI) resources and education programs.

Who is it for?

Children under the age of eight and their families.

Why do they do it?

Multiple and compounding risk factors put area children at high risk for developmental delays, compromising their ability to enter school ready to learn.


Since 2010, DSP has served nearly 450 children and their families. In 2012-2013, 34 percent of 220 new clients were linked to an evaluation through EI or the Chicago Public Schools because of a developmental concern. More than half of these children qualified for services and are receiving needed therapies.

Contact: Tameeka Christian
Director, Community Wellness Program, DSP
Telephone: 773-484-4529