Alaska Native Medical Center - Camp ARCTIC (ARthritis Can't Tame my Independence and Courage)

In August 2012, staff from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Southcentral Foundation joined community partners, corporate sponsors, and volunteers to host the first annual Camp ARCTIC, a free camp for Alaskan youth with juvenile idiopathic arthritis that combined education, community building, and fun.

What is it?

In August 2012, staff from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Southcentral Foundation joined community partners, corporate sponsors, and volunteers to host the first annual Camp ARCTIC, a free camp for Alaskan youth with juvenile idiopathic arthritis that combined education, community building, and fun.

Who is it for?

Alaskan youth with idiopathic arthritis and their parents.

Why do they do it?

The goal is to support youth with arthritis by providing an opportunity to meet, share strategies, and form friendships with others affected by similar diagnoses, creating a community that will continue beyond the camp itself.


Sixteen children and their parents participated, with the goal for more in the future. Participants can stay connected post-camp through activities on the Camp ARCTIC web site ( and various social media outlets.

Contact: Matt Hirschfeld, MD, PhD
Director, Maternal Child Health
Telephone: 907-729-1084