Summa Health System - Project Search

Project Search is a one-year, school-to-work transition program for students that was modeled after the growing Project SEARCH national program. Student trainees from the Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Kent, Stow-Monroe Falls, Tallmadge, and Woodridge school districts (Six District Educational Compact) spend a full school year at Summa, rotating through three 10-week work rotations at three hospitals. They are fully integrated into the work of the department and work alongside Summa employees doing the same job.

What is it?

Project Search is a one-year, school-to-work transition program for students that was modeled after the growing Project SEARCH national program. Student trainees from the Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Kent, Stow-Monroe Falls, Tallmadge, and Woodridge school districts (Six District Educational Compact) spend a full school year at Summa, rotating through three 10-week work rotations at three hospitals. They are fully integrated into the work of the department and work alongside Summa employees doing the same job.

Who is it for?

High school students.

Why do they do it?

The program provides work experiences so trainees develop skills needed for regular employment. These experiences also help the trainees become familiar with the hospital environment so they may apply for regular employment at Summa upon completion of the project.


The Six District Educational Compact partnered with Summa Health System and successfully launched the program with its first group of participants in fall 2006. Since that time, Summa has hired nearly 25 percent of the trainees, and 75 percent of this group are still employed.

Contact: Kimberly Moss
Workforce Development Specialist/Human Resources Representative
Telephone: 330-375-6263