Clay County Medical Center - Teddy Bear Clinic

The Teddy Bear Clinic was designed to give children a comfortable feeling about visiting the hospital. Children brought their favorite teddy bear with them to learn what it is like to be admitted to a hospital. After checking the teddy bears in and providing an identifying bracelet for children and their bears, the director of Nursing examined each "patient" to discern what ailment needed treatment.

What is it?

The Teddy Bear Clinic was designed to give children a comfortable feeling about visiting the hospital. Children brought their favorite teddy bear with them to learn what it is like to be admitted to a hospital. After checking the teddy bears in and providing an identifying bracelet for children and their bears, the director of Nursing examined each "patient" to discern what ailment needed treatment.

For instance, one child said his bear had a "frog" in his throat. With a little flashlight and tongue depressor, Tyce could see frog legs! As all of the children roared with laughter, Tyce declared the condition was caused by tickleitis and prescribed three hugs a day and lots of kisses as the best cure.

The children were able to see a child's oxygen mask, listen to a heartbeat with a stethoscope and see ears checked with an otoscope. After the examinations, the children followed hospital personnel on a half-hour tour. The visitors were given some words of caution about putting things in their mouths and were able to look at x-rays of children who had swallowed small toys or coins. The children leave the hospital with cookies and balloons.

Who is it for?

Head Start as well as any pre-school in our service area that wants to participate.

Why do they do it?

The program idea was copied from similar national programs that were originally developed to assist children who had been victims of abuse. We felt we could use the concept to encompass any reason a child might need to visit the hospital.

Contact: Marcia Newell
Director of Marketing
Telephone: 785-632-2133