Clarendon Memorial Hospital - External Defibrillators for County's High Schools

Clarendon Memorial Hospital provided automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) for the Clarendon County public and private high schools. When a student athlete is experiencing a previously undetected coronary event, the device may deliver a life-saving shock. Once the defibrillator and pads are attached to an individual, the state-of-the-art device will detect and analyze the heart rhythm; if a life-threatening rhythm is detected, the machine instructs the coach or individual caring for the patient to stand clear while it automatically delivers a defibrillation shock to the athlete. The units are portable for easy transport to sporting activities.

What is it?

Clarendon Memorial Hospital provided automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) for the Clarendon County public and private high schools. When a student athlete is experiencing a previously undetected coronary event, the device may deliver a life-saving shock. Once the defibrillator and pads are attached to an individual, the state-of-the-art device will detect and analyze the heart rhythm; if a life-threatening rhythm is detected, the machine instructs the coach or individual caring for the patient to stand clear while it automatically delivers a defibrillation shock to the athlete. The units are portable for easy transport to sporting activities.

Who is it for?

The AEDs were provided to the county's five high schools for use at athletic events. Athletic directors were trained to use the AEDs, and follow-up training is conducted as needed at individual schools by the hospital's emergency medical technicians.

Why do they do it?

At the suggestion of a team physician and a Manning physician, the hospital purchased the potentially life-saving AEDs so that they would be available at high school sporting events.


The cost of the five defibrillators was $9,000, a small price to pay for the knowledge that help is readily available should a life-threatening incident happen. To date, none of the schools has had to use its AED.

Contact: Jeffrey Black
Director, Public Relations
Telephone: 803-435-9655