The University of Kansas Hospital - Trauma and Burn Services Smoke Detection Initiative

The hospital’s Burnett Burn Center distributes and installs smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in area homes, as well as provides fire safety educational materials in both English and Spanish. In partnership with neighborhood groups, this initiative targets homes with children, older adults and people with disabilities. The program encourages burn prevention through education and increased awareness.

What is it?

The hospital’s Burnett Burn Center distributes and installs smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in area homes, as well as provides fire safety educational materials in both English and Spanish. In partnership with neighborhood groups, this initiative targets homes with children, older adults and people with disabilities. The program encourages burn prevention through education and increased awareness.

Who is it for?

Area residents.

Why do they do it?

The Burn Center is focused not only on providing care for patients after burn injuries but also on providing education and resources to prevent fire-related injuries from occurring.


Since the program’s inception in 2007, personnel have installed more than 900 smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and have provided more than $10,000 worth of educational materials.

Contact: Dennis McCulloch
Director, Public and Government Relations
Telephone: 913-588-1441