Care Well Resources


In conjunction with the Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit in July 2012, the PLF, along with the Society for Hospital Medicine, hosted an interactive half-day session designed to explore how hospit
With the ongoing transformation of health care delivery, care models which partner physicians and hospitals as co-leaders of the clinical enterprise are rapidly emerging.
The AHA's Physician Leadership Forum hosted an afternoon session in conjunction with the Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit on Achieving Team-Based Health Care Delivery.
The AHA's Physician Alliance has developed resources to help clinicians address social determinants of health within a framework that maximizes their skills while helping organizations systematically approach these challenges.
by David A. Perlstein, M.D.
SBH Health System, Bronx, N.Y., serves a low income and ethnically diverse population, one which often changes as immigration changes. It's reinvesting in its community and betting on social determinants to alter its destiny.