AHA Stat Blog


Last week, the Administration announced that it will halt funding of the cost-sharing reduction payments, or CSRs, that benefit nearly 6 million low- and modest-income Americans who buy coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) released yet another report designed to obfuscate the issue of sky-rocketing drug prices.
Recent events have reminded us that in times of crisis, whether natural or man-made, hospitals are always there, ready to care.
One of the most important steps you can take to avoid serious, flu-related illnesses is to be vaccinated.
The latest report from AIR340B, a group financed and backed
The recent events in Las Vegas are shocking, tragic, and heartbreaking. Our country mourns for the many lives lost, and we continue to care for the many more who were injured and are recovering.
America’s hospitals have long helped connect consumers with coverage and are committed to continuing to do so when open enrollment begins Nov. 1 for the 2018 Health Insurance Marketplaces.
Once again, the Senate attempted to pass a proposal to repeal and replace significant parts of the Affordable Care Act. Once again, it met defeat – and we are grateful.
Natural disasters may shut down towns and cities, but they can’t shut down the human spirit.
Once again, health coverage for tens of millions of Americans is at risk. The Senate is considering yet another proposal, by Sens.
Are you ready for the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act or MACRA? The AHA’s MACRA resources are designed to support your needs as you implement MACRA’s sweeping changes.
By Jay Bhatt, D.O., AHA Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer
Today, Washington’s focus – and the media headlines – have begun to shift to matters like tax reform, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an infrastructure package, and relie
By Allen Weiss, M.D.
Health isn’t created by doctors and nurses, but by friendships and families … by good air, food, houses, roads and jobs … by strong communities and good schools.
Hurricane Irma, the second historic storm to threaten the U.S.
Helping patients overcome socioeconomic barriers to better health by building partnerships that improve the community’s health will be critical to hospitals’ and health systems’ ability to continue
The panel that advises the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on hospital outpatient payments sent a clear signal to the agency this week: Don’t shortchange patients’ access to vital phar
Looking for more evidence of the stellar work being done in health care across the country?