AHA Stat Blog


The tax bill being considered in the House and Senate could lead to $25 billion in cuts to Medicare, according to the Cong
A cancer survivor is alive because doctors diagnosed her disease in time and got her the treatment she needed immediately.
By Akin Demehin and Caitlin Gillooley
Our freedoms were earned – and continue to be protected every single day – by the service of our nation’s veterans.
An article in today’s Politico suggests hospital mergers are having an adverse impact on health local markets and is leading to substandard care and higher prices.
Millions of Americans soon will be giving thanks and celebrating Thanksgiving with their friends and loved ones. America’s hospitals also are preparing, but for a different reason.
November is National Diabetes Month, and all kinds of events are planned on the local and national levels to bring attention to the burgeoning epidemic.
Millions of Americans worry about the high costs of life-saving prescription drugs.
As hospitals continue to seek new ways to improve the health of their communities, it’s more important than ever for them to partner with other organizations.
by Rick Pollack
The sheer volume of regulations on the books and the scope of change required in meeting them are outstripping the hospital field’s ability to absorb them.
The statistics are staggering. Every day, over 90 Americans die from an opioid overdose.
Last week, the Administration announced that it will halt funding of the cost-sharing reduction payments, or CSRs, that benefit nearly 6 million low- and modest-income Americans who buy coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) released yet another report designed to obfuscate the issue of sky-rocketing drug prices.
Recent events have reminded us that in times of crisis, whether natural or man-made, hospitals are always there, ready to care.
One of the most important steps you can take to avoid serious, flu-related illnesses is to be vaccinated.
The latest report from AIR340B, a group financed and backed
The recent events in Las Vegas are shocking, tragic, and heartbreaking. Our country mourns for the many lives lost, and we continue to care for the many more who were injured and are recovering.