AHA Stat Blog


by Rick Pollack
The health care community’s efforts alone are not enough to stem the tide of the opioid epidemic. We need more help from the federal government.
by Nancy Agee
Using and building analytic tools to improve quality of care, focusing on diversity and inclusion, and partnering with patients, families, and communities: All are part of the quality commitment at Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC) in Annapolis, Md., and Aurora Health Care (now Advocate Aurora Health) in Milwaukee, both finalists for the 2018 AHA Quest for Quality Prize.
by Nancy Agee
St. Louis Children’s Hospital launched the Healthy Kids Express Asthma Program in 2009 to address the number 1 diagnosis in the St. Louis public school district and number 1 reason for students missing school.
Every site of care is not the same – they don’t all offer the same level of care or have the ability to treat the same types of patients.
by Jay Bhatt, Sue Gergely, and Peter Angood
The work of building a successful dyad requires true partnership. 
by Nancy Agee
Join me in congratulating Navicent Health, recipient of the 2018 Equity of Care Award at the AHA Leadership Summit in late July.
by Rick Pollack
We need our government partners to step up and help reduce costs – especially the costs related to the heavy administrative burden faced by health care providers, costs unrelated to delivering patient care.  
by Tom Nickels
Comparing hospital prices to drug prices is absurd. And although the article claims to be about prices, the chart actually shows National Health Expenditure (NHE) spending numbers, not prices.
by Nancy Agee
Four health systems are working together to meet the behavioral health needs of patients in Portland, Oregon.
by Rick Pollack
It’s been well established that the health care system is moving from a fee-for-service world to one where payers reward value over volume.
by Nancy Agee
The Members in Action series, part of AHA’s The Value Initiative, highlights how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value-based strategies to improve health care affordability, quality and outcomes.
by Rick Pollack
Bending the cost curve to make care more affordable is a complex challenge. But it is a challenge that hospitals and health systems are tackling head on.
by Nancy Agee
What does it take to be an effective leader of a hospital or health system?
by Rick Pollack
Health care is full of unsung heroes. Millions of women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems are working every day to improve the health and lives of their neighbors and communities
by Nancy Agee
The AHA Healthcare Transformation Fellowship is an opportunity for health care leaders to tackle key issues affecting health care delivery and affordability.
by Rick Pollack
We all want to feel included – that we are part of a community that supports and nurtures us.
by Nancy Agee
The AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust is partnering with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the Catholic Health Association of the United States, with leadership and funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation, to create age-friendly health systems.
by Rick Pollack
We were pleased to see the House of Representatives this week move forward dozens of bills designed to address aspects of the opioid epidemic that costs more than 100 American lives each day and continues to ravage communities across the nation.
by Nancy Agee
Please join me and other AHA leaders at the AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity National Leadership and Education Conference, June 28-29 in Chicago. This year’s theme is “Strengthening Our Roots: Expanding Our Focus in Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity.”