AHA Stat Blog


For the women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems, nothing is more important than the safety of the patients for whom they are privileged to care.
Next week, June 20-22, the AHA is hosting a Team Training National Conference in San Diego for health care organizations to improve patient safety by successfully implementing and sustaining TeamSTEPPS, an evidence-based set of teamwork tools. Hospitals and health systems across the U.S. have used TeamSTEPPS to improve quality and safety.
You can read inspiring stories from the field and individual members, watch videos and download a host of valuable resources at www.healtycommunities.org.
Today, we are proud to sponsor our second annual #HAVhope Day of Awareness.
by Nancy Agee
This is a great time to use social and traditional media to spotlight how your hospital or health system is helping patients and community members maintain and improve their health every day.
by Rick Pollack
This weekend we pause to observe Memorial Day to remember those who died and served our nation protecting our freedom and liberty.
by Jay Bhatt
The AHA is inviting members to become a change agent or health care disruptor—to solve real, complex health care pro
by Nancy Agee
The tragic events last Friday in Santa Fe, TX, remind us, violence is all too present in our communities. Our hearts go out to all those affected … students, teachers, families, friends, first responders, caregivers, clergy and more.
by Melinda Hatton
When Gaynor et al. originally released their “The Price Ain’t Right” report on the relationship between hospital prices and market structure in 2015, there were a number of questions and concerns about how they reached their conclusions.
Health care is changing as the march from volume to value moves forward. And hospitals and health systems are redefining the “H” to meet the demands of the moment, and of the future, in a way that is even more responsive to our patients and communities.
by Molly Smith - Group Vice President for Public Policy, American Hospital Association
Another week, another drug industry-funded consultant attempting to divert attention away from the high and rising costs of prescription drugs by attacking the 340B drug pricing program.
by Nancy Agee
There are excellent initiatives across the country that are making a real difference in people’s lives.
by Melinda Hatton
The same cohort of authors responsible for the Health Care Pricing Project’s flawed 2015 paper recently released an updated version.
by Rick Pollack
On Sunday, May 6, we kick off National Hospital Week and pause to celebrate the 5.5 million women and men who make America’s hospitals and health systems such special places.
The American Hospital Association Grassroots Champion Award recognizes those hospital leaders who most effectively educate elected officials on how major issues affect the hospital’s vital role in the community.
by Nancy Agee
National Hospital Week is a wonderful opportunity to take time to celebrate the health care field and the people who make health care so special.
by Rick Pollack
We’re pleased to see CMS follow through on its commitment to reduce regulatory burden. This is crucially needed as we continue, and accelerate, the transition to value-based care.