You’ve indicated that you are currently feeling severe stress.

These resources can offer immediate support for addressing your stress and wellbeing. In addition to accessing one or more of the resources below, you may find it helpful to reach out to a trusted co-worker, family member, or friend for additional support or help navigating your next steps. If you believe you are experiencing an emergency, please seek immediate care from the nearest hospital emergency department, dial 911, or dial 988 to be connected to a trained counselor who can help you navigate next steps.


Note: if you believe you are experiencing an emergency please dial 911 immediately or seek immediate care from the nearest hospital emergency department.

The resources on the Moderate Stress page are also available to help you manage your stress in a non-immediate manner.



Disclaimer: None of the resources offered above or the providers identified in any of the above resources have been vetted by the AHA or any of the AHA’s officers, directors, employees, trustees, shareholders, agents, affiliates, successors or assigns (the “AHA Parties”). Neither the AHA nor any of the other AHA Parties makes any endorsements, representations or warranties regarding the above resources or identified providers. Any use of the resources or any provider identified in such resources is at the recipient’s own risk and the AHA Parties will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of, or reliance on, the above resources or identified providers. Any individual wishing to receive products or services offered by any of these providers is solely responsible for evaluating such provider and the provider’s services and products for herself or himself, and confirming for herself or himself whether such services and products are suitable for the intended use.